Nutritional Benefits of Papaya

Anuradha Reddy,
Consultant Dietician.

Papaya is grown in all parts of India. Papaya is a very wholesome fruit. It is a cheap fruit available in all seasons in all places to all people. Papaya has more carotene when compared with other fruits such as apples, guava, custard apple, plantains etc. Hence it gives the maximum nutritional returns for the money spent.

The ripe papaya fruit contains large quantities of carotene. This pigment is similar to that found in carrots, beetroot, dark green leafy vegetables like drumstick leaves, palak, curry leaves etc. Carotene is converted into Vitamin A in our body. Regular consumption of papaya will ensure a good supply of Vitamin 'A' and 'C' which are both essential for good health.

Eating papaya helps to prevent blindness caused by Vitamin 'A' deficiency which is quite common among a large number of children in India.

Nearly every part of the papaya tree is said to have some medicinal value. This property is mainly due to a substance called papain, which is present in all parts of the tree and fruit. Papain is an excellent aid to digestion and pieces of  papaya laid on wounds and surgical incisions are reported to speed up their healing. Quite a  large number of  people in India believe that papaya should be avoided by pregnant woman as it may cause a miscarriage. Scientifically speaking, there is no evidence to  support this belief.

Nutritive value for 100 grams of fruit : Energy - 32 k.cals; Calcium 17 mg; Iron-0.5 mg; Carotene 666 mgm; Vitamin C - 57mg.

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